Peer-Reviewed Publications
Kushani Perera, Tobias Langlotz,Nadia Pantidi, Holger Regenbrecht (2024) What you see is (not necessarily) what I see—Pervasive AR for Public Displays ACM Australasian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (ACM OzCHI), 2024
Kushani Perera, Tobias Langlotz,Nadia Pantidi, Holger Regenbrecht (2024) Exploring Eye Visibility and Mutual Gaze in Augmented Reality Glasses ACM Australasian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (ACM OzCHI), 2024
Tanh Tran, Tobias Langlotz, Jacob Young, Thomas Schubert, Holger Regenbrecht (2024) Classifying Presence Scores: Insights and Analysis from Two Decades of the Igroup Presence Questionnaire (IPQ) Accepted for ACM Transactions on Human Computer Interaction (ACM ToCHI), 2024
Tobias Langlotz, Jonathan Sutton, Holger Regenbrecht (2024) A Design Space for Vision Augmentations and Augmented Human Perception using Digital Eyewear Accepted for ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024
Tanh Tran, Tobias Langlotz, Holger Regenbrecht (2024) A Survey On Measuring Presence in Mixed Reality Accepted for ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024
Jonathan Sutton, Tobias Langlotz, Alexander Plopski, Kasper Hornbæk (2024) Flicker Augmentations: Rapid Brightness Modulation for Real-World Visual Guidance using Augmented Reality Accepted for ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024
Mathias N. Lystbæk, Ken Pfeuffer, Tobias Langlotz, Jens Emil Sloth Grønbæk, Hans Gellersen (2024) Spatial Gaze Markers: Supporting Effective Task Switching in Augmented Reality Accepted for ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024
Jacob Young, Jennifer Ferreira, Nadia Pantidi (2024) “I Shot the Interviewer!”: The Effects of In-VR Interviews on Participant Feedback, Presence, and Rapport Accepted for ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024
David Mandl, Shohei Mori, Peter Mohr, Evan Peng, Tobias Langlotz, Dieter Schmalstieg, Denis Kalkofen (2024) Neural Bokeh: Learning Lens Blur for Computational Videography and Out-of-Focus Mixed Reality Accepted for IEEE Virtual Reality (IEEE VR 2024), 2024
Junlei Hong, Tobias Langlotz, Jonathan Sutton, Holger Regenbrecht (2023) Visual Noise Cancellation: Exploring Visual Discomfort and Opportunities for Vision Augmentations
Accepted for ACM Transactions on Human Computer Interaction, 2023
Stuart Duncan, Holger Regenbrecht, Tobias Langlotz (2023) Fusing exocentric and egocentric real-time reconstructions for embodied immersive experiences
IEEE Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ 2023), 2023
Claudia Ott, Noel Park, Kerian Varaine, Holger Regenbrecht (2023) Experiencing Reconstructed Reality: The Perception of Visual-Acoustic Properties
Australia conference on Computer-Human Interaction, ACM OZCHI 2023, 2023
Laurie Lloyd-Jones, Claudia Ott, Holger Regenbrecht, Hemi Whaanga (2023) Virtual Reality Po ̄whiri—Practicing an indigenous welcoming ceremony
Australia conference on Computer-Human Interaction, ACM OZCHI 2023, 2023
Gerlinde Emsenhuber, Tobias Langlotz, Denis Kalkofen, Jonathan Sutton, Markus Tatzgern (2023) Eye-Perspective View Management for Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI), 2023
Tommy Hasselman, Wei Hong Lo, Tobias Langlotz, Stefanie Zollmann (2023) ARephotography: Revisiting Historical Photographs using Augmented Reality Extended Abstracts of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI), 2023
Christoph Ebner, Peter Mohr, Tobias Langlotz, Yifan (Evan) Peng, Dieter Schmalstieg, Gordon Wetzstein, Denis Kalkofen (2023) Off-Axis Layered Displays: Hybrid Direct-View/Near-Eye Mixed Reality with Focus Cues
IEEE Transactions on Visualisation and Computer Graphics (Special issue of IEEE Virtual Reality 2023), 2023
Stuart Duncan, Noel Park, Claudia Ott, Tobias Langlotz, Holger Regenbrecht (2023) Voxel-based Immersive Mixed Reality: A Framework for Ad-hoc Immersive Storytelling
MIT Presence: Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2023
Lewis Baker,Jonathan Ventura, Tobias Langlotz, Steven Mills, Shazia Gul, and Stefanie Zollmann (2023) Localization and Tracking of Stationary Users for Augmented Reality
The Visual Computer (Springer), 2023
Chris Heinrich, Nadine Morkisch, Tobias Langlotz, Holger Regenbrecht, and Christian Dohle (2022) Feasibility and psychophysical effects of immersive virtual reality-based mirror therapy
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2022
Jonathan Sutton, Tobias Langlotz, Alexander Plopski, Stefanie Zollmann. Yuta Itoh, and Holger Regenbrecht (2022) Look over there! Investigating Saliency Modulation for Visual Guidance with Augmented Reality Glasses 2022 ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2022
Gerlinde Emsenhuber, Michael Domhardt, Tobias Langlotz, Denis Kalkofen, and Markus Tatzgern (2022) Towards Eye-Perspective Rendering for Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 640-641, 2022
Sachith Muthukumarana, Alaeddin Nassani, Noel Park, Jürgen Steimle, Mark Billinghurst, Suranga Nanayakkara (2022) XRtic: A Prototyping Toolkit for XR Applications using Cloth Deformation
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2022
Wei Hong Lo, Holger Regenbrecht, Stefanie Zollmann (2022) Stats on-site—Sports spectator experience through situated visualizations
Computers & Graphics, 2022
Wei Hong Lo, Holger Regenbrecht, Stefanie Zollmann (2022) A Context-aware Interface for Immersive Sports Spectating
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), 2022
Wei Hong Lo, Holger Regenbrecht, Stefanie Zollmann (2022) Flexible XR Prototyping-A Sports Spectating Example
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), 2022
Tong, Lingwei and Lindeman, Robert W and Regenbrecht, Holger (2022) Adaptive Playback Control: A Framework for Cinematic VR Creators to Embrace Viewer Interaction
Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2022
Alexander Plopski, Teresa Hirzle, Nahal Norouzi, Long Qian, Gerd Bruder, Tobias Langlotz (2022) The Eye in Extended Reality: A Survey on Gaze Interaction and Eye Tracking in Head-Worn Extended Reality ACM Computing Surveys, 2021, 2021.
Stefanie Zollmann, Tobias Langlotz, Holger Regenbrecht, Chris Button, Wei Hong Lo, and Steven Mills(2022) Augmented Reality for Sports Spectating and Coaching Interactive Sports Technologies: Performance, Participation, Safety, 1-16, 2022
Jonathan Sutton, Tobias Langlotz, Alexander Plopski (2021) Seeing Colours: Addressing Colour Vision Deficiency with Vision Augmentations using Computational Glasses Accepted for ACM Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (ACM TOCHI), 2021.
Noel Park, Holger Regenbrecht, Stuart Duncan, Steven Mills, Rob W. Lindeman, Nadia Pantidi, and Hemi Whaanga (2022) Mixed Reality Co-Design for Indigenous Culture Preservation & Continuation Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces 2022, 149-157, 2022
Holger Regenbrecht, Noel Park, Stuart Duncan, Steven Mills, Rosa Lutz, Laurie Lloyd-Jones, Claudia Ott, Bubba Thompson, Dean Whaanga, Rob W. Lindeman, Kris Tong, Rory Clifford, Nadia Jones, Paora Mato, Te Taka Keegan, and Hemi Whaanga (2022) Ātea Presence—Enabling Virtual Storytelling, Presence, and Tele-Co-Presence in an Indigenous Setting IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 41(1), 32-42, 2022
Holger Regenbrecht, Sander Zwanenburg, Tobias Langlotz (2022) Pervasive Augmented Reality - Technology and Ethics IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2022
Wei Hong Lo, Holger Regenbrecht, Stefanie Zollmann (2021) Technical Factors Affecting Augmented Reality User Experiences in Sports Spectating VRST '21: Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2021
Holger Regenbrecht, Noel Park, Stuart Duncan, steven Mills, Rosa Lutz, Laurie Lloyd-Jones, Claudia Ott, Bubba (William) Thompson, Dean Whaanga, Robert W Lindeman, Kris Tong, Rory Clifford, Nadia Jones, Paora Mato, Te Taka Keegan, Hemi Whaanga (2021) Ātea Presence—Enabling Virtual Storytelling, Presence, and Tele-Co-Presence in an Indigenous Setting 2019 TechRxiv (Preprint, submitted to IEEE Technology and Society), 2021.
David Mandl, Peter Mohr, Tobias Langlotz, Christoph Ebner, Shohei Mori, Stefanie Zollmann, Peter Roth, Denis Kalkofen (2021) Neural Cameras: Learning Camera Characteristics for Coherent Mixed Reality Rendering IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (IEEE ISMAR), 2021.
Best Conference Paper Award
Yuta Itoh, Tobias Langlotz, Jonathan Sutton, Alexander Plopski (2021) Towards Indistinguishable Augmented Reality: A Survey on Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays ACM Computing Surveys, 2021.
Wei Hong Lo, Holger Regenbrecht, Stefanie Zollmann (2021) XRSpectator: Immersive, Augmented Sports Spectating ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2021.
Jonny Collins, Tobias Langlotz, Holger Regenbrecht (2021) Expertise and Experience in VR-supported learning: Achieving a deep non-verbal comprehension of four-dimensional space International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2021.
Holger Regenbrecht, Claudia Ott, Noel Park, Stuart Duncan, Jonny Collins (2021) Voxelvideos for Entertainment, Education, and Training IEEE Access, 2021
Wei Hong Lo, Stefanie Zollmann, Holger Regenbrecht (2021) Who kicked the ball? Situated Visualization in On-Site Sports Spectating IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops, 2021
Wei Hong Lo, Stefanie Zollmann, Holger Regenbrecht (2021) From off-site to on-site: A Flexible Framework for XR Prototyping in Sports Spectating 36th International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), 2021
Ruairi Griffin, Tobias Langlotz, Stefanie Zollmann (2021) 6 Degrees-of-Freedom Immersive Video Editor Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2:676895, 2021
Lingwei Tong, Robert W Lindeman, Holger Regenbrecht (2021) Viewer’s Role and Viewer Interaction in Cinematic Virtual Reality MDIP Computers, 2021
Holger Regenbrecht, Thomas Schubert (2021) Measuring Presence in Augmented Reality Environments: Design and a First Test of a Questionnaire Archived reprint of the Proceedings of the Fifth Annual International Workshop Presence 2002, Porto, Portugal - October 9-11. pp. 138-144. arXiv:2103.02831
Chris Heinrich, Matthew Cook, Tobias Langlotz, Holger Regenbrecht (2020) My Hands? - Importance of Personalised Virtual Hands in a Neurorehabilitation Scenario Springer Virtual Reality, 2020.
Tong, Lingwei, Sungchul Jung, Richard Chen Li, Robert W. Lindeman, and Holger Regenbrecht (2020) Action Units: Exploring the Use of Directorial Cues for Effective Storytelling with Swivel-chair Virtual Reality. 32nd Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2020.
Marcus King, Holger Regenbrecht, Simon Hoermann, Chris Heinrich, Leigh Hale (2020) Engaging Stroke Survivors with Virtual Neurorehabilitation Technology Virtual Reality in Health and Rehabilitation, CRC Press, 2020.
Jonny Collins, Tobias Langlotz, Holger Regenbrecht (2020) Virtual Reality in Education: A Case Study on Exploring Immersive Learning for Prisoners 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct).
Jacob Young, Tobias Langlotz, Steven Mills, Holger Regenbrecht (2020) Mobileportation: Nomadic Telepresence for Mobile Devices Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies / ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, 2020.
Stefanie Zollmann, Tobias Langlotz, Raphael Grasset, Wei Hong Lo, Shohei Mori, Holger Regenbrecht (2020) Visualization Techniques in Augmented Reality: A Taxonomy, Methods and Patterns IEEE Transactions on Visualisation and Computer Graphics, 2020.
Peter Mohr, Shohei Mori, Tobias Langlotz, Bruce Thomas, Dieter Schmalstieg, Denis Kalkofen (2020) Mixed Reality Light Fields for Interactive Remote Assistance ACM CHI'20 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2020), Honolulu, 2020.
Lewis Baker, Jonathan Ventura, Stefanie Zollmann, Steven Mills, Tobias Langlotz (2020) SPLAT: Spherical Localization and Tracking in Large Spaces IEEE Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Atlanta, 2020.
Rebecca Grainger, Hermaleigh Roberta Townsley, Catherine Anna Ferguson, Faye Ellen Riley, Tobias Langlotz, William John Taylor (2020) Patient and clinician views on an app for rheumatoid arthritis disease monitoring: function, implementation and implications International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases, 2020.
Ted Ruffman, Charlie Ruffman, Sarah Hill, Gamze Turunc, Noel Park, Kangning Du, Jill Hayhurst, Jie Kang, Bilge Selçuk, Holger Regenbrecht, Michael C Philipp, John A Hunter (2020) RWAc and SDOc: The measurement of right‐wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation in childhood Social Development, 2020.
Antoni Moore, Ben Daniel, Greg Leonard, Holger Regenbrecht, Judy Rodda, Lewis Baker, Raki Ryan, Steven Mills (2020) Comparative usability of an augmented reality sandtable and 3D GIS for education International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2020.
Yuta Itoh, Tobias Langlotz, Stefanie Zollmann, Daisuke Iwai, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Toshiyuki Amano (2019) Computational Phase-Modulated Eyeglasses IEEE Transactions on Visualisation and Computer Graphics, 2019.
Stefanie Zollmann, Tobias Langlotz, Moritz Loos, Wei Hong Lo, Lewis Baker (2019) ARSpectator: Exploring Augmented Reality for Sport Events Siggraph Asia Technical Briefs, 2019.
Jung-Woo Noel Park, Steven Mills, Hēmi Whaanga, Paora Mato, Robert W Lindeman, Holger Regenbrecht (2019) Towards a Māori Telepresence System 2019 International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), 2019.
Jonathan Sutton, Tobias Langlotz, Yuta Itoh (2019) Computational Glasses: Vision augmentations using computational near-eye optics and displays IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) Adjunct Proceedings, 2019.
Chris Heinrich, Tobias Langlotz, Holger Regenbrecht (2019) Heading Home – Adapting a Clinical Mixed-Reality Rehabilitation System for Patients’ Home Use IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) Adjunct Proceedings, 2019.
Abdulaziz Alshaer, David O’Hare, Philippe Archambault, Mark Shirley, Holger Regenbrecht (2019) How to Observe Users’ Movements in Virtual Environments: Viewpoint Control in a Power Wheelchair Simulator Human Factors, The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2019.
Jonny Collins, Holger Regenbrecht, Tobias Langlotz, Yekta Said Can, Cem Ersoy, Russell Butson (2019) Measuring Cognitive Load and Insight: A Methodology Exemplified in a Virtual Reality Learning Context IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (IEEE ISMAR 2019), Beijing, 2019.
Tanh Quang Tran, Holger Regenbrecht, Minh-Triet Tran (2019) Am I Moving Along A Curve? A Study On Bicycle Traveling-In-Place Techniques In Virtual Environments 17th IFIP TC. 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT2019), 2019
Holger Regenbrecht, Noel Park, Claudia Ott, Steven Mills, Matthew Cook, Tobias Langlotz (2019) Preaching Voxels: An Alternative Approach to Mixed Reality Frontiers in ICT, section Virtual Environments, 2019.
Peter Mohr, Markus Tatzgern, Tobias Langlotz, Andreas Lang, Denis Kalkofen, and Dieter Schmalstieg (2019) TrackCap: Enabling Smartphones for 3D Interaction on Mobile Head-Mounted Displays ACM CHI'19 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2019), Glasgow, 2019.
Diako Mardanbegi, Tobias Langlotz, Hans Gellersen (2019) Resolving Target Ambiguity in 3D Gaze Interaction through VOR Depth Estimation ACM CHI'19 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2019), Glasgow, 2019.
Jacob Young, Tobias Langlotz, Matthew Cook, Steven Mills, Holger Regenbrecht (2019) Immersive Telepresence and Remote Collaboration using Mobile and Wearable Devices IEEE Transactions on Visualisation and Computer Graphics (Special Issue on IEEE Virtual Reality), 2019.
Nominated for Best Paper Award
Yuta Itoh, Tobias Langlotz, Daisuke Iwai, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Toshiyuki Amano (2019) Light Attenuation Display: Subtractive See-Through Near-Eye Display via Spatial Color Filtering IEEE Transactions on Visualisation and Computer Graphics (Special Issue on IEEE Virtual Reality), 2019.
Nominated for Best Paper Award
Andrew McCombie, Russell Walmsley, Murray Barclay, Christine Ho, Tobias Langlotz, Holger Regenbrecht, Andrew Gray, Nideen Visesio, Stephen Inns, Michael Schultz (2019) A Noninferiority Randomized Clinical Trial of the Use of the Smartphone-Based Health Applications IBDsmart and IBDoc in the Care of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Journal on Inflammatory bowel diseases, 2019.
Tobias Langlotz, Jonathan Sutton, Stefanie Zollmann, Yuta Itoh, and Holger Regenbrecht (2018) ChromaGlasses: Computational Glasses for Compensating Colour Blindness ACM CHI'18 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2018), Montreal, 2018
Honourable Mention Award
Tanh Quang Tran, Thanh Dat Ngoc Tran, Tam Duy Nguyen, Holger Regenbrecht, Minh-Triet Tran (2018) Can we perceive changes in our moving speed: a comparison between directly and indirectly powering the locomotion in virtual environments Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2018
Tobias Langlotz, Elias Tappeiner, Stefanie Zollmann, Jonathan Ventura, Holger Regenbrecht (2018) Urban Pointing: Browsing Situated Media Using Accurate Pointing Interfaces ACM CHI'18 Extended Abstracts: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended (ACM CHI 2018), Montreal, 2018
Alaeddin Nassani, Huidong Bai, Gun Lee, Mark Billinghurst, Tobias Langlotz, Robert W. Lindeman (2018) Filtering Shared Social Data in AR ACM CHI'18 Extended Abstracts: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended (ACM CHI 2018), Montreal, 2018
Jonny Collins, Holger Regenbrecht, Tobias Langlotz (2018) Back to the Future: Constructivist Learning in Virtual Reality2018 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct).
Chontira Nimcharoen, Stefanie Zollmann, Jonny Collins, Holger Regenbrecht (2018) Is That Me?—Embodiment and Body Perception with an Augmented Reality Mirror 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct)
Lewis Baker, Stefanie Zollmann, Steven Mills, Tobias Langlotz (2018) SoftPOSIT for Augmented Reality in complex environments: Limitations and challenges Proceedings of Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, IVCNZ 2016.
Mei-Ling Blank, Janet Hoek, Mark George, Philip Gendall, Tamlin S Conner, Johannes Thrul, Pamela M Ling, Tobias Langlotz (2018) An Exploration of Smoking-to-Vaping Transition Attempts Using a “Smart” Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2018.
Chris Heinrich, Tobias Langlotz, and Richard O'Keefe (2017) Volume Lens: Exploring Medical Volume Datasets using Mobile Devices. IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (IEEE ISMAR) 2017
Holger Regenbrecht, Arne Reepen, Katrin Meng, Stephan Beck, and Tobias Langlotz (2017) Mixed Voxel Reality: Presence and Embodiment in Low Fidelity, VisuallyCoherent, Mixed Reality Environments Accepted for IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (IEEE ISMAR) 2017
Download Unity Source Code
Jonny Collins, Holger Regenbrecht, and Tobias Langlotz (2017) Visual Coherence in Mixed Reality: A Systematic Enquiry. Presence: Teleoperators and virtual environments 26(1), MIT Press, Cambridge/MA, USA.
Mohammed Alghamdi, Holger Regenbrecht, Simon Hoermann, and Nicola Swain (2017) Mild Stress Stimuli built into a Non-Immersive Virtual Environment can elicit actual Stress Responses Behaviour & Information Technology. London/UK: Taylor & Francis
Tavita Su’a, Sherlock A. Licorish, Bastin Tony Roy Savarimuthu, Tobias Langlotz (2017) QuickReview: A Data-Driven Mobile Interface for Providing App Reviews ACM Intelligent User Interfaces 2017 (ACM IUI 2017)
Rebecca Grainger, Hermaleigh Townsley, Bonnie White, Tobias Langlotz, William J. Taylor (2017) There are few high quality apps for people with rheumatoid arthritis to monitor their disease activity: a review of apps for best practice and quality JMIR mHealth and uHealth (JMIR mobile and ubiquitous health) 2017;5(2):e7.
Abdul Alshaer, Holger Regenbrecht, David O'Hare (2017) Immersion factors affecting perception and behaviour in a virtual reality power wheelchair simulator Applied Ergonomics: Human Factors in Technology and Society, Applied Ergonomics 58 (January 2017), 1-12.
Tobias Langlotz, Matthew Cook, Holger Regenbrecht (2016) Real-Time Radiometric Compensation for Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays IEEE Transactions on Visualisation and Computer Graphics (Special Issue for IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality), 2016.
Jens Grubert, Tobias Langlotz, Stefanie Zollmann, Holger Regenbrecht (2016) Towards Pervasive Augmented Reality: Context-Awareness in Augmented Reality IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG).
Alaeddin Nassani, Hyungon Kim, Gun Lee, Mark Billinghurst, Tobias Langlotz, Robert W Lindeman (2016) Augmented reality annotation for social video sharing SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016 Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications.
Jörg Müller, Tobias Langlotz, Holger Regenbrecht (2016) PanoVC: Pervasive Telepresence using Mobile Phones. IEEE Pervasive Computing and Communications (IEEE PerCom), 2017.
Lewis Baker, Steven Mills, Tobias Langlotz, Carl Rathbone (2016) Power line detection using Hough transform and line tracing techniques Proceedings of Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, IVCNZ 2016.
Mohammed Alghamdi, Holger Regenbrecht, Simon Hoermann, Tobias Langlotz, Colin Aldridge (2016) Social Presence and Mode of Videocommunication in a Collaborative Virtual Environment Proceedings of the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016), 2016.
Abdul Alshaer, David O'Hare, Simon Hoermann, Holger Regenbrecht (2016) The impact of the visual representation of the input device on driving performance in a power wheelchair simulator. Proceedings of the 11th Intl Conf. Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies Los Angeles, California, USA, 2016.
Andrew McCombie, Tobias Langlotz, Murray Barclay, Russell Walmsley, Holger Regenbrecht, Michael Schultz (2016) Systematic review of IBD smartphone apps for symptom monitoring and communication with healthcare professionals The Journal of mHealth: Vol. 3, Issue 3, 2016.
Holger Regenbrecht, Tobias Langlotz (2015) Mutual Gaze Support in Videoconferencing Reviewed. Communications of the Association for Information Systems.
Holger Regenbrecht, Mohammed Alghamdi, Simon Hoermann, Tobias Langlotz, Mike Goodwin & Colin Aldridge (2015). Social presence with virtual glass. Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference (IEEE VR), Sydney, Australia.
Holger Regenbrecht, Tobias Langlotz (2015). Initiative for an H-index based rating of conferences and journals in HCI and related fields. Proceedings of the 15th New Zealand Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CHINZ), Waikato, New Zealand.
Abdul Alshaer, Holger Regenbrecht, David O'Hare (2015) Investigating Visual Dominance with a Virtual Driving Task Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality, Arles, 145-146.
Kim, H.J., Karunaratne, S., Regenbrecht, H., Warren, I. & Wuensche, B. (2015). Evaluation of Cross-platform Development Tools for Patient Self-Reporting on Mobile Devices. Proceedings of the 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2015), Arles, France.
Jonny Colins, Simon Hoermann and Holger Regenbrecht (2015) Comparing a finger dexterity assessment in virtual, video-mediated, and unmediated reality. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development
Stefanie Zollmann, Christof Hoppe, Tobias Langlotz, Gerhard Reitmayr (2014) Flyar: Augmented Reality Supported Micro Aerial Vehicle Navigation, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), March 2014.
Tobias Langlotz, Thanh Nguyen, Dieter Schmalstieg, Raphael Grasset (2014) Next Generation Augmented Reality Browsers: Rich, Seamless, and Adaptive, Proceedings of the IEEE , vol.102, no.2, pp.155,169, Feb. 2014.
Holger Regenbrecht, Simon Hoermann, Claudia Ott, Lavell Mueller, Elizabeth Franz (2014) Manipulating the Experience of Reality for Rehabilitation Applications, Proceedings of the IEEE 102(2), pp. 170-184, February 2014.
Collins, J., Hoermann, S.. & Regenbrecht, H. (2014) Virtualising the Nine Hole Peg Test of Finger Dexterity.Proc. 10th Intl Conf. Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies Gothenburg, Sweden, 2-4 Sept. 2014, 181-188.
Stefanie Zollmann, Raphael Grasset, Gerhard Reimayr, and Tobias Langlotz (2014) The effect of image-based X-Ray visualisation techniques on spatial order understanding in Augmented Reality, Proceedings of ACM OzCHI, Sydney, Australia.
Holger Regenbrecht, Lavell Mueller, Simon Hoermann, Tobias Langlotz, Martin Wagner, and Mark Billinghurst (2014) Eye-to-Eye Contact for Life-Sized Videoconferencing, Proceedings of ACM OzCHI, Sydney, Australia.
Holger Regenbrecht, Tobias Langlotz, Christine Ho, Mark George, Andrew Gray, Russell Walmsley, and Michael Schultz (2014) Field Test of a Questionnaire-based Mobile Health Reporting System, Proceedings of ACM OzCHI, Sydney, Australia.
Elias Tappeiner, Dieter Schmalstieg, and Tobias Langlotz (2014) Local Optimization for Natural Feature Tracking Targets, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2014
Lukas Gruber, Tobias Langlotz, Pradeep Sen, Tobias Hollerer, and Dieter Schmalstieg (2014) Efficient and Robust Radiance Transfer for Probeless Photorealistic Augmented Reality \Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality 2014, Minnesota, MN, USA, March 2014.
Hoermann, S., Hale, L., Winser, S., & Regenbrecht, H. (2014) Patient engagement and clinical feasibility of Augmented Reflection Technology for stroke rehabilitation. International Journal on Disability and Human Development 13(3):355-60.
Tobias Langlotz, Jens Grubert, Raphael Grasset (2013) AR Browsers - Essential products or only gadgets? Reflections on the initial adoption of AR technology by the general public, Communications of the ACM, Volume 56 Issue 11, November 2013, 34-36, 2013.
Vendeland, J. & Regenbrecht, H. (2013) Is there any Use in Stereoscopic Slide Presentations?. ACM Proceedings CHINZ ’13, November 15-16, 2013, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Allen, M., Hoermann, S., Piumsomboon, T. & Regenbrecht, H. (2013) Visual Occlusion in an Augmented Reality Post-Stroke Therapy Scenario. ACM Proceedings CHINZ ’13, November 15-16, 2013, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Robertson, C., Vink, L., Regenbrecht, H., Lutteroth, C., & Wünsche, B. (2013) Mixed Reality Kinect Mirror Box for Stroke Rehabilitation. Proceeedings Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ) 2013, November 27-29, 2013, Wellington, New Zealand.
Regenbrecht, H., Collins, J. & Hoermann, S. (2013) A Leap-supported, hybrid AR interface approach. Proceedings ACM OZCHI’13, November 25-29, 2013, Adelaide, SA, Australia
Tobias Langlotz, Holger Regenbrecht, Stefanie Zollmann, Dieter Schmalstieg (2013) Audio Stickies: Visually-guided Spatial Audio Annotations on a Mobile Augmented Reality Platform, Proceedings of the 25th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference (OzCHI), 2013.
Alshaer, A., Hoermann, S. & Regenbrecht, H. (2013) Influence of peripheral and stereoscopic vision on driving performance in a power wheelchair simulator system. Proceedings of ICVR, International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation, August 26-29 2013, Philadelphia, USA.
Tobias Langlotz, Stefan Mooslechner, Stefanie Zollmann, Claus Degendorfer, Gerhard Reitmayr, Dieter Schmalstieg (2012) Sketching up the world: In-situ authoring for mobile Augmented Reality, Springer Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 16, Number 6, 2012 (submitted 2010), 623-630.
Tobias Langlotz, Daniel Wagner, Alessandro Mulloni, Dieter Schmalstieg (2012) Online Creation of Panoramic Augmented Reality Annotations on Mobile Phones, IEEE Pervasive Computing, Volume 11, Issue 2, 2012 (submitted 2010), 56 - 63.
Tobias Langlotz, Claus Degendorfer, Alessandro Mulloni, Gerhard Schall, Gerhard Reitmayr, Dieter Schmalstieg (2011) Robust detection and tracking of annotations for outdoor augmented reality browsing, Computers & Graphics, Volume 35, Issue 4, August 2011, 831–840.
Tobias Langlotz, Mathäus Zingerle, Raphael Grasset, Hannes Kaufman, Gerhard Reitmayr (2012) AR Record&Replay:Situated Compositing of Video Content in Mobile Augmented Reality, Proceedings of the 24th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference (OzCHI) Pages 318-326, 2012.
Raphael Grasset, Tobias Langlotz, Denis Kalkofen, Markus Tatzgern, Dieter Schmalstieg (2012), Image-Driven View Management for Augmented Reality Browsers, IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 177-186, 2012.
Alessandro Mulloni, Jens Grubert, Hartmut Seichter, Tobias Langlotz, Raphael Grasset, Gerhard Reitmayr, Dieter Schmalstieg (2012) Experiences with the Impact of Tracking Technology in Mobile Augmented Reality Evaluations, Mobile Vision and HCI (MOBIVIS) Workshop at MobileHCI, 2012.
Dieter Schmalstieg, Tobias Langlotz and Mark Billinghurst (2010) Augmented Reality 2.0, Virtual Realities, Dagstuhl seminar proceedings (eds. Sabine Coquillart, Guido Brunnett, Greg Welch), 2010.
Gerhard Reitmayr, Tobias Langlotz, Daniel Wagner, Alessandro Mulloni, Gerhard Schall, Dieter Schmalstieg, Qi Pan (2010) Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Augmented Reality Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality, Gwangju, South Korea, 2010, 5 - 8.
Daniel Wagner, Alessandro Mulloni, Tobias Langlotz, Dieter Schmalstieg (2010) Real-time panoramic mapping and tracking on mobile phones, Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2010 (VR´10), 2010, 211 - 218.
Tobias Langlotz, Stefan Mooslechner, Stefanie Zollmann, Claus Degendorfer, Gerhard Reitmayr, Dieter Schmalstieg (2010) Sketching up the world: In-situ authoring for mobile Augmented Reality, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Smartphone Applications and Services 2010, Gwangju, South Korea, December 2010. 23 - 40.
Stefanie Zollmann, Langlotz Tobias (2009) Spatially Augmented Tape Drawing, Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2009 (3DUI), 2009, 147-148.
Yuan Wang, Tobias Langlotz, Mark Billinghurst (2009) An Authoring Tool for Mobile Phone AR Environments, Proceedings of NZCSRSC 2009, 2009.
Daniel Wagner, Tobias Langlotz, Dieter Schmalstieg (2008) Robust and Unobtrusive Marker Tracking on Mobile Phones, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2008), 2008, 121- 124.
Stefanie Zollmann, Tobias Langlotz, Oliver Bimber (2007) Passive-Active Geometric Calibration for View-Dependent Projections onto Arbitrary Surfaces, Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, Volume 4, Number 6, 2007. (peer-reviewed reprint from Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Reality of the GI-Fachgruppe AR/VR 2006).
Tobias Langlotz and Oliver Bimber (2007) Unsynchronized 4D Barcodes, Proceedings of International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), 2007, 363-374.
Stefanie Zollmann, Tobias Langlotz and Oliver Bimber (2006) Passive-Active Geometric Calibration for View-Dependent Projections onto Arbitrary Surfaces, Proceedings of Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Reality of the GI-Fachgruppe AR/VR 2006, 32-40. (3rd Best Paper Award)
Oliver Bimber, Franz Coriand, Alexander Kleppe, Erich Bruns, Stefanie Zollmann and Tobias Langlotz (2005) Superimposing Pictorial Artwork with Projected Imagery IEEE MultiMedia, Volume 12, Number 1, Jan.-March 2005, 2005, 16-26.
Oliver Bimber, Franz Coriand, Alexander Kleppe, Erich Bruns, Stefanie Zollmann and Tobias Langlotz (2004) Superimposing Pictorial Artwork with Projected Imagery Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH, 2004.
Book Chapters
Regenbrecht, Holger and Schubert, Thomas W (2022) Designing for Presence: Embodied Interaction in Computer-Mediated Realities. Festschrift for Martin Purvis. An Information Science Renaissance Man. College Publications: Rickmansworth/UK, 2023
Ralf Doerner, Alexander Tesch, Axel Hildebrand, Stephan Leenders, Tobias Tropper, Wilhelm Wilke, Christian Winkler, Julian Hillig, Alec Pestov, James A Walsh, Bruce H Thomas, Gerhard Kimenkowski, Stephen Walton, Torsten W Kuhlen, Geert Matthys, Holger Regenbrecht, Chris Heinrich, Xiumin Shang, Marcelo Kallmann, Benjamin Lok, Francisco A Jimenez, Cheryl Wilson, Marc Erich Latoschik, Carolin Wienrich, Silke Grafe, Mario Botsch, Jonny Collins (2022) VR/AR case studies Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) Foundations and Methods of Extended Realities (XR), 2022
Hoermann, S., Hale, L., Winser, S., & Regenbrecht, H. (in press) Patient Engagement and Clinical Feasibility of Augmented Reflection Technology for Stroke Rehabilitation. In Sharkey, Paul M.; Merrick, Joav (Eds.), Virtual Reality: Rehabilitation in Motor, Cognitive and Sensorial Disorders, Nova Science Publishers Hauppauge/NY.
Technical Reports
Clemens Arth, Raphael Grasset, Lukas Gruber, Tobias Langlotz, Alessandro Mulloni, and Daniel Wagner (2015) The History of Mobile AR, , Technical Report, Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision (ICG), Graz University of Technology, 2015-001, 2015.
Holger Regenbrecht, Lavell Müller, Simon Hoermann, Tobias Langlotz, Andreas Duenser (2012) Implementing Eye-to-Eye Contact in Life-Sized Videoconferencing, Technical Report, University of Otago, 2012.
Jens Grubert, Tobias Langlotz and Raphael Grasset (2012) Augmented Reality Browser Survey, Technical Report, Graz University of Technology, 2012.
Daniel Wagner, Tobias Langlotz and Dieter Schmalstieg (2008) Technical Report on Robust and Unobtrusive Marker Tracking on Mobile Phones, Technical Report, Graz University of Technology, 2008.
Tobias Langlotz, Oliver Bimber (2007) Technical Report on Unsynchronized 4D Barcodes, Technical Report, Bauhaus University Weimar, 2007.
Tobias Langlotz, Matthew Cook, and Holger Regenbrecht Radiometric Compensation for Optical See-Through Head Mounted Displays Publication Number: pending, International application number: pending
Dieter Schmalstieg, Gerhard Reitmayr, Thanh Nguyen, Raphael Grasset, Tobias Langlotz and Hartmut Seichter, Structural Modeling Using Depth Sensors Publication Number: pending, International application number: pending
Tobias Langlotz, Mathäus Zingerle, Gerhard Reitmayr, Spatially Registered Augmented Video, Publication Number: WO2013176829 A1, International application number: PCT/US2013/038253
Raphael Grasset, Tobias Langlotz, Denis Kalkhofen, Markus Tatzgern, Dieter Schmalstieg, Image Driven View Management For Annotations, Patent Application. Publication Number: WO2013176830 A1, International application number: PCT/US2013/038251
Tobias Langlotz, Daniel Wagner, Alessandro Mulloni, Dieter Schmalstieg, Online Creation of Panoramic Augmented Reality Annotations on Mobile Platforms, Patent Application. Publication Number: US20110285811 A1, International application number: US 13/112,329
Daniel Wagner, Alessandro Mulloni, Dieter Schmalstieg, Tobias Langlotz, Visual Tracking Using Panoramas on Mobile Devices, Patent Application. Publication Number: US20110285810 A1, International application number: US 13/112,876
Oliver Bimber, Franz Coriand, Alexander Kleppe, Erich Bruns, Stefanie Zollmann, Tobias Langlotz, Verfahren zur Überlagerung von texturierten Oberflächen mit digitaler Grafik.(Method and system for overlay of textured surfaces with digital graphics), Patent Granted. Publication Number: DE102004016749 B4, International patent number: DE200410016749
Jonathan Sutton (2022) Computational Glasses: Repurposing Augmented Reality Glasses for Vision Assistance PhD thesis, University of Otago, 2022
Jacob Young (2020) Removing Spatial Boundaries in Immersive Mobile Communications PhD thesis, University of Otago, 2020
Lewis Baker (2020) Localisation and tracking of stationary users for extended reality PhD thesis, University of Otago, 2020
Jonny Collins (2019) Interaction and Emotional Response in Immersive Virtual Reality Learning Environments PhD thesis, University of Otago, 2019
Mohammed Alghamdi (2017) Enabling Parental Stress Resilience Training with Virtual Reality PhD thesis, University of Otago, 2017
Abdulaziz Alshaer (2017) Virtual Reality Interface Factors in a Power Wheelchair Simulator PhD thesis, University of Otago, 2017
Simon Hoermann (2013) Fooling the Brain: Investigating the Clinical Utility of Visual Illusions with Augmented Reflection Technology PhD thesis, University of Otago, 2013