Selected research projects
Here are some selected research projects with additional information such as videos or data. Please use the filters on the left to narrow down the number of results. Please see Publications for all the papers co-authored by lab members.

Abdul Alshaer, Holger Regenbrecht, David O'Hare (2017) Immersion factors affecting perception and behaviour in a virtual reality power wheelchair simulator Applied Ergonomics: Human Factors in Technology and Society, Applied Ergonomics 58 (January 2017), 1-12.
Abdul Alshaer, David O'Hare, Simon Hoermann, Holger Regenbrecht (2016) The impact of the visual representation of the input device on driving performance in a power wheelchair simulator. Accepted for publication the proceedings of the 11th Intl Conf. Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies Los Angeles, California, USA, 2016.
Abdul Alshaer, Holger Regenbrecht, David O'Hare (2015) Investigating Visual Dominance with a Virtual Driving Task Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality, Arles, 145-146.
Alshaer, A., Hoermann, S. & Regenbrecht, H. (2013) Influence of peripheral and stereoscopic vision on driving performance in a power wheelchair simulator system. Proceedings of ICVR, International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation, August 26-29 2013, Philadelphia, USA.

Mohammed Alghamdi, Holger Regenbrecht, Simon Hoermann, and Nicola Swain (2017) Mild Stress Stimuli built into a Non-Immersive Virtual Environment can elicit actual Stress Responses Behaviour & Information Technology. London/UK: Taylor & Francis
Mohammed Alghamdi, Holger Regenbrecht, Simon Hoermann, Tobias Langlotz, Colin Aldridge (2016) Social Presence and Mode of Videocommunication in a Collaborative Virtual Environment Proceedings of the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016), 2016.