
ChromaGlasses overview: (Left Top) Standard Ishihara test marker as seen through non-active glasses and cropped region. People suffering from red-green colour vision deficiency tend to see "21" instead of the correct "74". (Left Bottom) The same test marker when seen through active ChromaGlasses. A pixel-precise overlay causes a shift revealing the correct "74". However, depending on the severity, a less drastic shift might be sufficient. (Middle and Right) ChromaGlasses prototype for creating a precise correction overlay utilizing current optical-see through head-mounted displays extended by custom cameras demonstrating possible miniaturization.
Abstract: Prescription glasses are used by many people as a simple, and even fashionable way, to correct refractive problems of the eye. However, there are other visual impairments that cannot be treated with an optical lens in conventional glasses. In this work we present ChromaGlasses, Computational Glasses using optical head-mounted displays for compensating colour vision deficiency. Unlike prior work that required users to look at a screen in their visual periphery rather than at the environment directly, ChromaGlasses allow users to directly see the environment using a novel head-mounted displays design that analyzes the environment in real-time and changes the appearance of the environment with pixel precision to compensate the impairment of the user. In this work, we present first prototypes for ChromaGlasses and report on the results from several studies showing that ChromaGlasses are an effective method for managing colour blindness.
Acknowledgements: We thank all the participants of the user studies and Chris Edwards for his support in 3D printing required parts. This project was supported by Callaghan Innovation, host of the Science for Technological Innovation National Science Chal- lenge, Seed Project 52421. Yuta Itoh is supported by a JSPS KAKENHI grant JP17H04692 and a JST PRESTO grant JP- MJPR17J2.